MySehat Immune Check Package
This Package screen all immune system
No. of Test: 62
INR 2699/- 7720/- 65% off
10-12 Hour fasting requiredREPORT TIME
Upto 24HourBlood Anylysis : Precautionary test to know infection, or cell counts.
Complete Blood Count
Sugar Level : Hingh Sugar Level and HbA1c could lead to risk of a viral infection.
Glucose (F), HbA1c
Infection : Increase level of ESR and Ferritin are risk factors of infection.
Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate, Ferritin
Heart Disease : Lipid Profile and CRP tests performed to check any heart disease which is a risk factor in viral infection.
Lipid Profile, CRP
Kidney : Abnormality in Kidney Functions could weaken the immune system to fight the infection.
Kidney Function Test
Liver : An Irregular Liver Function could becomes a risk factor in viral infection.
Liver Function Test
Electrolytes : Any Fever or underlying infection derails our electrolytes.
Sodium, Postassium, Chloride
Immunity : Low Level of Vitamin D increases the risk of infection. Deficiency of iron weakens the immunity. Immunoglobulin E(IgE) test is for Allergy Screening. Allergy can risk the level of Immunoglobulin E(Ige).
Vitamin D, Iron, Total IgE